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International Oleander Society

Please visit the Betty Head Oleander Garden Park

2624 Sealy in Galveston, TX

No charge for the public/ 10-4 pm daily


“On an island, off the mainland of the state of Texas, is located one of the most delightful cities to be found in America. The city is Galveston, and it contains the most extensive collections of ‘Nerium oleander’ to be found anywhere in the world. Oleanders are planted everywhere – along sidewalks and esplanades, in small gardens and large estates. Truly one would have to visit this city of floral beauty to understand why oleanders and Galveston are synonymous.”

-Clarence Pleasants 1966

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From Mr. James Nicholas (Our Internet/International Correspondent) "The idea is to preserve the history and data regarding Galveston's unique varieties. Oleander Haus also has stated that one of its goals is the preservation of "backup copies" of as many American varieties as possible. We had a close call with 'Harriet Newding" (see The long way home) and some other unique varieties have undoubtedly already been lost to posterity during Hurricane Ike."